March 21 in 2021
Even though we are still in the same global pandemic as one year ago, when I first started to think about writing a blog like this, I know that sooner or later, I will be “on the road again”.
In the meantime I’m trying to stay creative, while traveling on a somewhat smaller scale, record some songs and, as you can see right here, slowly but surely get my (online) act together….
So finally, here is the installation of my “road-blog“.
It will cover mostly stories with photos and video of my life, as well as some random thoughts and occasional news and I will return to it whenever I feel like it. Maybe this will turn into an online auto-biography but at the least it might inspire me to write a bit about my life as a “busking vagabond”.
Especially those of you, who are not connected with me on other social media platforms like facebook or instagram, ( I might not forever be part of those clubs, either…) will find my posts about past adventures, present moments and future endeavours right here on this page.
If you would like to leave a comment, you are welcome to do so at the bottom of the “News & Updates etc.” page.